Friday, February 25, 2011


It seems as though a low self esteem is trendy now a days. All I ever hear people my age talking about is how ugly they are or if they could, they would change everything about themselves. Is it that wrong to love yourself? The answer is yes. Well if you're fifteen and surrounded by people who love to fish for compliments. It's absolutely disgusting when I see a perfectly handsome young man or a ravishing young woman, only to hear them say, "Man, I wish I had more muscles" or "No you're lying, I know I'm ugly". (Something along the lines of that.) And when I do see people loving themselves, all they get is, "You're so conceited!". It's really irritating, but you just learn to deal with it. But what I really what to leave you readers with is that you should love yourself no matter what. Don't think of it as being conceited, but more as being self aware of your beauty.

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