Thursday, March 3, 2011

Life Goes On

The only time writers', musicians' and artists' professional life truly thrive is when their personal lives are in decline. This is what desire without hope feels like. It's almost like clockwork, the knot in your throat comes up when you know you're about to cry, the feeling of continuous treatments of shock therapy. The struggle a couple goes through while trying to preserve that last spark. This is what both notorious artists and amateurs go through daily just to produce a single piece of music or sketch. However, in our writing, our music, and our art we are able to reflect these pains, because we know that life goes on. Sure that knot will turn into full on tears, but crying is liberating. Sure the shock therapy will hurt, but we can think it will cure us. Sure our relationship is falling apart, but it will make room for new, better relationships. This is why we write, play, and draw even if it feels like all hope is lost, we have something to believe in. Something to reactivate our mechanical hearts. Something to let us know we're still alive.

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